
I am presently working on bringing three of my dreams into reality. They are all focused on building community, inspiring creativity and sharing the love of learning throughout the world. Browse through the website and join me in whatever way you are called to do so. Thank you!


Have you read Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich? I have read this book so many times that I have lost count. I continue to be amazed at how helpful all the principles in the book can be and wonder why these principles of success and financial freedom are not taught to our children. It is my dream to bring the principles of Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich to k-12 students throughout the world.

Napoleon Hill talks about the wealth mindset. How thoughts create our reality. What were you taught as child? Are you still holding onto limiting beliefs or to negative experiences that in your mind define you? Imagine what it would be like to have a generation of children grow up knowing that they had the power to think and grow rich. I mean really owning this idea. In my mind that would lead to a generation of leaders that would completely transform the planet for the better for all of us.


I have founded The Trueness Project which is devoted to empowering children to share their inner “Trueness.” The project has a purpose-driven mission to help children own their own stories and know that they are the masters of their destiny. Each child is given a transformational book, a journal and colored pencils and encouraged to draw and imagine the best possible version of themselves. I am particularly interested in helping Immigrant children and plan to distribute my first children’s book GLORIOUSNESS to displaced children throughout the world.

One simple act of kindness can change the world. To support our mission or purchase a book for a child that needs love, please go to:


Imagine a community of eclectic powerful creative visionaries, who want to have fun while making the world a better place.  It is my belief that thoughts have power and that when we put together our powerful thoughts with committed action, we can accomplish anything.

I live in a mountain community in Daniel, Wyoming which is a population census town in the United States, that has a thriving population of 109 people.  It is possible to spend endless days here without seeing or communicating with another soul.

My office is located in a covered wagon.  The only way I have to connect with people is through the internet.  And, it is through that connection that The Covered Wagon transforms into a place where magic happens: Poetry gets written, art virtually creates itself, people share their dreams and hopes, we read books, cheer each other on and we all thrive in the common dream and life purpose of transforming into the best possible version of ourselves.

I have a dream of getting one million signatures from around the world to turn The Covered Wagon into an imaginary nation state.  Once we reach one million signatures I will petition the United Nations for Imaginary Nation State Status and begin the humorous, yet rigorous, imaginary citizenship process.

While I am still unsure of what the benefits of citizenship would entail, I do know that worldwide creative endeavors await us and that we will all be wearing kickass cowboy hats!

Sign the Petition today!


I look forward to meeting each and every one of you!  Let us create community together!


“Gloriousness” is the charming story of Ness, a little girl who, like all of us, found herself living inside an identity that felt constricting. Somehow, she didn’t quite fit in. She knew she was more than her unhappy, messy, and limited self, so she set out discover her true nature. Who was she? Who could she be? Using her creativity and imagination, Ness discovered her bright, happy, glorious self.

Beautifully illustrated, this delightful story touches upon the basic need all humans have to discover who they are and the journey they must take to find their trueness. M Teresa Lawrence has created the perfect opening for parents, grandparents, and anyone who loves and cares for children, to introduce the topic of identity and the search for truth.

– Judith Rich, Ph.D.

A delightful fusion of deep academics, experiential diversity, and boundless imagination, Teresa is the personification of the Nine Dot Puzzle Challenge. (Look it up ~ it’s fun!)

Unexpected opportunities arise when you trust the energy and enthusiasm of Teresa Lawrence. Magic happens when you dare to think outside the box. Results occur when you work together with an individual who does not let up until all the t’s are crossed and all of the dots are united.

–Margaret Jane Conover

Teresa has a clear vision, and her creativity allows her to co-manifest new opportunities and open new doors. She is a force of nature, believes in herself, and is driven by the compassionate power of her heart. She inspires everyone with whom she comes in contact and helps others believe in their dreams and passion. We are lucky to have Teresa as a light worker in action!

–Viviane Chauvet