
Igniting Creativity: M. Teresa Lawrence’s Journey from Cuban Refugee to Fire Up Live’s Inspirational Speaker on The Leadership of Play

Published by: Finny Adams, Portland News

Life’s grand adventure, as M. Teresa Lawrence sees it, is a playful quest for truth, creativity, and empowerment. From her earliest days as a Cuban refugee, to spending 20+ years as a lawyer, to her current role as a Creative Visionary at Henry Forest LLC, Teresa’s story is a tale of transformation and inspiration. This year, her adventure takes a new turn as she’s set to speak at the annual Fire Up Live business networking mastermind event in San Diego, California, sharing her insights and spreading her message of leadership, creativity, and play with a wider audience.

Growing up in New York after leaving Cuba at the tender age of three, Teresa’s refugee experience was marked by feelings of fear, displacement, and an ever-present sense of being “other.” But a magical gift from her grandmother, a simple doll, became a vessel for her stories, her emotions, and her creativity.

Through storytelling, Teresa learned to reimagine her journey. She became an accomplished lawyer, publisher, and educator, but never lost sight of the creative spirit instilled in her by her grandmother. She channeled this energy into her work at Henry Forest, a lifestyle brand based out of Daniel, Wyoming, that’s dedicated to creative freedom and embracing the spirit of playful adventure.

Teresa’s unique philosophy, “The Leadership of Play,” is at the heart of everything she does. It’s about living life outside the box, finding joy in simple acts of kindness, and believing in the power of imagination. It’s a philosophy that resonates with educated individuals who seek to make the world a better place and leave a legacy for future generations.

Her commitment to this philosophy extends to her efforts to support refugee children. Her book “GLORIOUSNESS” is a tool designed to help children process their feelings and write their own stories. Through words and creativity, she hopes to inspire them to choose their path, to know their trueness, and to find love from within.

While Teresa’s influence spreads through her brand and her book, her ideals also find a platform at special events, such as the annual Fire Up Live business networking mastermind event. This 3-day event in San Diego, California, featuring business workshops, live presentations, and celebrity guest speakers, offers a snapshot of Teresa’s vision in action.

Speaking at Fire Up Live, Teresa will share her insights on leadership, creativity, and play. Though only a part of her wider journey, the event is a celebration of everything she stands for. It’s an opportunity to connect with like-minded people and spread her message of hope, gratitude, and compassion.

Teresa Lawrence’s life is a vivid tapestry of adventure, imagination, and kindness. From the Covered Wagon in Wyoming, which serves as her office, to the speaking stage in San Diego, every thread tells a story of empowerment and creativity. Whether through her work at Henry Forest, her book for refugee children, or her speeches at events like Fire Up Live, Teresa’s whimsical, light-hearted approach to leadership and play is a beacon of inspiration.

Her wish is simple, yet profound: to see others embrace their true selves, to share their creativity with the world, and to join her on the grand adventure of life. It’s a wish that transcends events and products, reaching into the very heart of what it means to be human. Her story is an invitation to all, a call to rise together, to celebrate each other, and to create a world where true leadership exists in all of us.

To join Teresa at the Fire Up Live event, feel free to get your tickets here!

Creative Visionary, M. Teresa Lawrence, Launches Henry Forest LLC and Petitions the United Nations for Imaginary Nation State Status

Published by: Harry Wright, San Francisco Post

M. Teresa Lawrence, a creative visionary leader dedicated to helping others reach their full potential, has announced the launch of Henry Forest LLC, a lifestyle brand based in Daniel, Wyoming. Through Henry Forest, Lawrence aims to inspire a community of creative visionaries who are committed to making a positive impact on the world while enjoying the spirit of playful adventure. Lawrence’s innovative approach, known as “The Leadership of Play,” encourages individuals to embrace their creative freedom and celebrate their unique abilities.

As a Cuban immigrant, Lawrence’s personal journey has shaped her vision and mission. Having experienced the hardships faced by refugees, she founded The Trueness Project, a purpose-driven initiative aimed at empowering children to own their stories and realize their true potential. Lawrence firmly believes that children’s choices in response to adversity can transform their lives, and she seeks to inspire and motivate young minds through her creative endeavors.

The inspiration for Henry Forest LLC stems from Lawrence’s profound belief in the power of thoughts and actions. She envisions a diverse community of powerful creative visionaries who come together to make a difference in the world while enjoying the process. Located in Daniel, Wyoming, a mountain community with a population of only 109 people, Lawrence operates her office from a covered wagon. Through the internet, she connects with individuals worldwide and transforms The Covered Wagon into a hub of creativity and inspiration.

In an ambitious and lighthearted endeavor, Lawrence has set her sights on turning The Covered Wagon into an imaginary nation state. With a dream of collecting one million signatures from around the globe, she plans to petition the United Nations for Imaginary Nation State Status. Once achieved, Lawrence will embark on a humorous yet rigorous imaginary citizenship process, emphasizing the power of imagination and the importance of community.

Lawrence’s unique approach has garnered support from various influential figures. Among the signatories to her petition are Don Green, the head of the Napoleon Hill Foundation, best-selling author Jessa Carter of “The Peaceful Millionaire,” and Hollywood actress Taylor St. Clair. These luminaries recognize the transformative potential of an imaginary nation of creative visionaries and have joined Lawrence in her mission to change the world.

Henry Forest LLC stands as a testament to Lawrence’s dedication to serving a community of individuals who seek personal growth, fulfillment, and a collective commitment to making a positive impact. By embracing the spirit of playful adventure, Henry Forest celebrates the leadership potential within each individual, empowering them to live authentically and create a better world.

Creative Visionary M Teresa Lawrence Empowers Refugees Through the Power of Play

Published by: Michelle Adams, California Observer

M Teresa Lawrence, a Cuban refugee turned accomplished lawyer, publisher, and educator, is on a mission to inspire and uplift refugee and displaced children through her new initiative. With her brand, Henry Forest LLC, Teresa aims to embrace the creative spirit of adventure and play, offering a unique approach to leadership called “The Leadership of Play.” Through her innovative products and services, Teresa encourages individuals to live life outside the box and tap into their inner creativity and authenticity.

As a Cuban refugee herself, Teresa understands the challenges faced by refugee children and the feeling of being “other.” Drawing from her own experiences, she recognizes the transformative power of storytelling and imagination. From a young age, Teresa’s grandmother instilled in her the belief that stories have the ability to change the world. Now, she wants to pass on this wisdom and empower refugee children to become the creators of their own journeys.

To achieve this goal, Teresa plans to give a copy of her book, “GLORIOUSNESS,” along with a journal, colored crayons, and pencils to refugee and displaced children throughout the world. Thoughtfully designed, GLORIOUSNESS helps children process their emotions and encourages them to write their own stories.Teresa hopes to inspire these children to embrace their true potential and recognize the love that comes from within. By promoting self-expression and inner reflection, Teresa hopes the book inspires these children to write their own stories as those of hope, peace, health, gratitude and compassion and a journey to success

Speaking about her vision, Teresa said, “At some point in the journey of life, you come to the inevitable conclusion that we are all here to uplift each other. My brand is all about empowering the inner Trueness in all of us!” With her brand, Henry Forest, Teresa aims to celebrate the leadership in each individual and foster a community of creative visionaries who are making a positive impact on the world.

As part of her commitment to sharing her message, Teresa will be speaking in November at the annual Fire Up Live business networking mastermind event in San Diego, California. This highly anticipated three-day event brings together like-minded professionals for networking, business workshops, live presentations, and celebrity guest speakers. Attendees can also look forward to Red Carpet Reality TV Show Premieres and a Real Estate Investing Mastermind Breakfast.

Teresa’s presence at the Fire Up Live event offers a unique opportunity for attendees to learn from her wealth of experiences and insights. Her talk will focus on the importance of living life outside the box, embracing creativity, and the transformative power of “The Leadership of Play.” By encouraging individuals to break free from conventional thinking and explore new possibilities, Teresa hopes to inspire a generation of leaders who will shape a better future.

M. Teresa Lawrence Teaches the Recipe For Success and Happiness in Her New Book

Published by: New York Tech

The author believes success is found in being open to a world of possibilities.

A major reason why people tend to find it difficult to accomplish their goals and achieve success is a lack of openness to the endless possibilities the universe offers them. In The Power of Leadership with M. Teresa Lawrence (now on Amazon), readers will learn, through the vibrant words and stories of the author, that the recipe for success is simpler than one thinks.

M. Teresa Lawrence is a creative, visionary leader who takes joy in helping others reach their full potential. Working with a diverse client base, Teresa has helped people start and grow businesses for over twenty years. She is an accomplished attorney, publisher, educator, and entrepreneur living in western Wyoming. Teresa has also served her community through volunteer work and non-profit fundraising. As a Cuban immigrant, Teresa understands firsthand the hardships faced by refugees throughout the world, which led her to found The Trueness Project—a project with a purpose-driven mission to help children own their own stories and know that they are the masters of their destiny. She highlights the same message to her readers: “[O]ur thoughts, imagination, and beliefs create our reality. If we can control our thoughts, we control fear and truly become the authors of our own stories.”

Teresa spells out the importance of gratitude from the get-go. She firmly believes that it’s one of the main ingredients to achieving success — the other two being a childlike joy of learning through play and a firm belief that our thoughts are manifesting our reality. She offers her readers vivid stories that paint a picture of how each of these ingredients disrupts one’s life (for the better) and helps them become strong individuals who take control of their lives.

“To lead anyone or anything, you must have faith in yourself and in that unseen power. It is conspiring to help us all the time. Children instinctively know this … They know that there is something outside of themselves, helping them create their world,” says Teresa.

The Power of Leadership with M. Teresa Lawrence hooks readers with inspiring stories that teach them one important lesson: Success is closer than one thinks — all it takes is a little bit of movement.

Tim Quirk, the co-founder of Too Much Joy, shares why Teresa inspires him: “Teresa’s one of my favorite people on the planet, probably because I don’t know anybody else like her. She can laugh good-naturedly about somebody’s foibles without ever suggesting she looks down on them, talk about her family with more love than exasperation, and make you wish you could forgive yourself even half as much as she does. That kindness might explain Teresa’s weird ability to make impossible things happen. She knows what she wants, asks for it, and keeps asking until she gets it, smiling the entire time. I told her I’d be happy to run the music section of CURIO, a magazine she founded in the 1990s, because I assumed it was an obligation I’d never actually have to meet. Next thing I knew, she was filling me in on meetings with billionaires like Sumner Redstone and asking me what I had ready for the first issue.”

Nancy Volpert, a nonprofit change maker, explains how Teresa helps others find their best selves: “Teresa is brilliant, creative, and compassionate. Her endless imagination takes her in multiple directions all at once, but she can also sit in stillness, absorbing the world around her. She believes that each of us is capable of being so much more than we believe in ourselves. She’s then willing to help us find a path to our better, truer selves. Teresa is absolutely fearless.”

As the owner of a healing practice, I have had the pleasure of working with thousands of people worldwide. Teresa’s commitment to her personal and spiritual transformation is palpable and genuine. Working with her was like watching a lotus flower blossoming into a higher form. I respect Teresa and her vision to make genuine and positive contributions to the world.

She has a clear vision, and her creativity allows her to co-manifest new opportunities and open new doors. She is a force of nature, believes in herself, and is driven by the compassionate power of her heart. She inspires everyone with whom she comes in contact and helps others believe in their dreams and passion. We are lucky to have Teresa as a light worker in action!

–Viviane Chauvet

“Gloriousness” is the charming story of Ness, a little girl who, like all of us, found herself living inside an identity that felt constricting. Somehow, she didn’t quite fit in. She knew she was more than her unhappy, messy, and limited self, so she set out discover her true nature. Who was she? Who could she be? Using her creativity and imagination, Ness discovered her bright, happy, glorious self.

Beautifully illustrated, this delightful story touches upon the basic need all humans have to discover who they are and the journey they must take to find their trueness. M. Teresa Lawrence has created the perfect opening for parents, grandparents, and anyone who loves and cares for children, to introduce the topic of identity and the search for truth.

– Judith Rich, Ph.D.

Teresa’s one of my favorite people on the planet, probably because I don’t know anybody else like her. She can laugh good naturedly about somebody’s foibles without ever suggesting she looks down on them, talk about her family with more love than exasperation, and make you wish you could forgive yourself even half as much as she does.

That kindness might explain Teresa’s weird ability to make impossible things happen. She knows what she wants, asks for it, and keeps asking until she gets it, smiling the entire time. I told her I’d be happy to run the music section of CURIO, a magazine she founded in the 1990s, because I assumed it was an obligation I’d never actually have to meet. Next thing I knew she was filling me in on meetings with billionaires like Sumner Redstone and asking me what I had ready for the first issue.

–Tim Quirk