

When well approached and well spent, failure can be a springboard to greatness. In a way, it helps us realize who we truly are and gives us insights on ways that can’t work, and paths that can’t take us to our destinies. At Manga Girls High School, Kisii...


Yesterday we had a wonderful student mentorship mission at Bobamba secondary school in Kisii, Kenya. I met great men and women in service from whom I learnt alot on mentorship and its’ impact to society, leadership development and service. I was a blessed recipient of...


September was one of my best months, full of impact and enthusiasm. I was able to travel to Kenya for an impactful and life-changing Kenya Keynote Tour, with a team of nine other visitors who are experts in their areas of work. The tour was organized by Top Talent...


I landed in Kenya at 5 a.m. on September 11th and was speaking at the Ezesha Plus Community College. I felt so proud of myself, knowing that I was standing before young leaders who are determined to change the world. I also appeared on Kenyan television stating that...