I have, for sometime now, been sharing my dream with change agents from all corners of the world. It is the aim of my non-profit, the Trueness Project (yourtrueness.org) to touch as many lives as possible. My recent visit to Kenya opened my heart and eyes to what many people, especially in rural areas, face in Kenya.

For this project, we’re starting with Kenya and Nepal, even as we roll-out the assistance to other countries.

So, here’s the deal:


1. I want to raise $25,000 for 10 Starlink Satellite Systems with complete installation for remote Kenyan villages.

2. I look forward to raising $100,000 for generators for remote Kenyan villages. During my stay in Kenya for over a week, I realized that in most places, electric power goes out all the time, leading to unmatched losses.

3. Laptop donations for schools in Kenya, with complete operating systems. I visited schools that had 3 computers for 2000 students. I had to hold back tears.

4. $30,000 to pay tuition for one year at a boarding school for 100 girls.

5. $25,000 for Feminine Hygiene products, which is so important. Most girls in Kenya do not attend school during their menstrual period because there are no feminine hygiene products in the schools for them to use. Some of the girls drop out, with others getting pregnant or married off. Buying feminine hygiene products is a needed priority for these schools.


$100,000 to support orphanages and education in Nepal. Children are being taken and used for sex trafficking. Every time a child is saved, we make the world better. In 2024, I plan to visit Nepal, donate my books and speak about the importance of education.

#Individuals, #companies, #organizations and #governments, to achieve this, we need your #support and #goodwill.

Are you excited to be part of our journey? Please use this QR Code to make your donations.

Stay happy, stay blessed.