During my interview yesterday at Courage Magazine Global, I, among other things, shed more light on what my non-profit, the Trueness Project, wants to focus on next year.

We have two initiatives for 2024, the Kenya Initiative and the Nepal Initiative.

Our aim is to foster education and leadership training in both countries.

The Kenya Initiative seeks to raise funds to acquire Star Link Satellite Systems, generators and computers to help rural Kenyan communities have steady access to the the internet and power.

It also focuses on the importance of providing feminine hygiene products to schools so that girls are able to continue with their education without interruption.

To know more about the Trueness Project, collaborate or partner with us, check us out at yourtrueness.org.

The interview was hosted by Edith Wolek, publisher of Courage Magazine Global. Would you not be glad to follow through the proceedings?

Here’s the link 🤗.
